What we do

We conduct investigation per permission from the client or owner of such property into the existence of the unknown, such as spirits. Paranormal is commonly part of something normal, but more of the one percent that can’t be explained. Debunking the unexplained is also part of the investigation.

How we do it


We take pride in our ability to conduct research in a discreet and safe manner through historical archives of the county, through any given information from the client/owner, or through articles found online about the property, stories, or people that may still be alive from the incident of the stories. When it comes to paranormal investigations, some stories could come down from generations and some parts could be left out or there could have been people involved that were unknown up to this point.


We conduct investigation per permission from the client or owner of such property into the existence of the unknown, such as spirits. Paranormal is commonly part of something normal, but more of the one percent that can’t be explained. Debunking the unexplained is also part of the investigation.


After the investigation has concluded, we will sit down with the client of the property, show all the evidence and debunking that discovered during the course of the investigation. All evidence, tools, and techniques will be explained during the meeting.


What is Paranormal?

Paranormal consists of something that is deemed impossible or unexplained in the realm of science.

What is EVP?

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices that have been either unintentionally recorded or intentionally requested and recorded.

Does DSP respect the spirits?

When someone dies, they have entered the next part of their journey of life and death, “spiritual journey”. It is our policy to be professional and to be very respectful to those that have passed. Plus, if we were rude to the spirits, there wouldn’t be much for communication with them.

What happens after the Investigation?

After the Investigation, we will sit down with the client or owner of the property, explain all the evidence that was collected, and explain the tools that were used to collect such evidence in which is approved scientifically. We will also explain techniques used by our team members to experiment in conducting communication or the manners of science.