Stately Oaks Plantation
Location: Jonesboro, Georgia
Not just being the nice place where Margret Mitchell wrote her famous book Gone with the Wild, it was also home to a family during the civil war which was located in Atlanta at the time which in 1864 during the siege saw the worst crimes committed by the Union Army. The house itself was moved to its current location in the 1970s, and was turned into a museum in later years in which shows the brilliant history of plantation life and those that lived it. Along with other buildings surround the location which were also investigated included a store, schoolhouse, slave quarters, Indian village, and a cook house. Getting information about this place was very intriguing and almost having a friend from the previous investigation of this place told me of the experiences they had in this location. This lead to our team to contact them along with two guest of ours.
Going into this investigation we were under the impression that everything was original except for little bits of items, but as we later found out that was to be untrue that this location had items relating to those they purchased from auctions or it was donated them. Which in some cases would be fine, if we were told about it to begin as we were there to talk with specific people such as the former plantation owner wife Rebecca Mccord whom at the time of the plantation being ransacked by Union soldiers offered them food and drink, which to be honest shows a very strong woman and was to be used a character personality in the book of Gone with the Wind. We decided to split off into teams with Team Member Steven leading our guest through the investigation until we later joined together for the main house. Billy and Aaron would investigate most of the buildings on the outside such as the store, which did indeed have a spirit inside that did not seem to like Billy nor Aaron, as Aaron was beginning to get a feeling of danger and would not enter the store. Only getting a few answers at a time told most of us that he was getting frustrated talking to me, so we moved onto the other rooms which we did not seem to get any evp or spirit box communication from these buildings. As time went on we all met back up at the front steps of the house after they finished there investigation at the store themselves. From there we took a short break which later we decided to do a group effort using cat balls, K2 meter, and spirit box at the front steps taking our time with everything going on.
Sitting on the steps and front porch of the plantation house we then began to communicate with a specific spirit as it said over the spirit box as they recognized the marine corp tattoos on both Team Member Steven and our guest investigator Roy. Team Member Aaron was taking pictures of the front part of the house in which there was in fact a spirit in full form in the darkness watching us, dressed in period clothing which appeared to be as if a slave who took care of carriages. We did not know this information at the time nor did we see the photo, we took our investigation into the house and as we walked into the main parlor of the house, our second guest investigator Sue began saying that she had a burning sensation on her lower back, which was in fact a very large scratch on her lower back which when asked she did not touch it nor scratch it on anything. There were four very large scratches across her lower back, and she claimed that the spirit in the store said that the doctor in the house would harm her. Going back to our friend in the other investigation, she had four team members that were female get scratched either in the store or in that parlor.
At the last stretch of our investigation we decided to head up stairs where we hoped to contact the spirits of the family Mccord or someone who lived in the house after, which everything that was coming through didn’t make much sense and still seems a bit strange. This was of course before we found out that most of the items in the house belonged to other people and not of the original family, and when had went through most of the rooms using all equipment we had at the time which we couldn’t really get anything significant except for the ending where our guest investigator sue was about to enter a room with a camera and noticed that whole room was engulfed in orbs flying, and we checked for anything it could be, such as dust, insects, or glares of light. The room was pitch black, no insects, and the room was dust free. It was later told to Team Leader Billy that the room she was entering is got items in it that would sometimes move and this was interesting to learn as all those orbs if they were technically orbs of spirits it would make a lot of sense. From that point we began to close down the investigation and begin the long hike back home where we can conclude with the review of any and all evidence collected.